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        ÖÐÎÄ°æ     ENGLISH
        Company Events
        Company Events
        2002 Dalian Special Steel Products Company acquired Wuxi hacksaw plant and set up a subsidiary - Wuxi Jinniu sawing industry plant.
        From 2010, the company introduced from Yanji band saw production equipment to conduct a comprehensive transformation.
        In 2010 the company built a plant, living quarters; for substations were Uprating, new construction area of 8591.7 square meters, lay a good foundation for the development of the company.
        With the 2010 abolition of the pickling plant, steel wire with a new ultrasonic cleaning equipment and a new production process.
        2010 quality system certification and manual for version.
        2011 according to production needs, from primary production leveler trimmer, designed with a handsaw squaring straightening machine.
        2011 Newly two G series of metal band saws, band saw cutting to provide a guarantee.
        2011 "bimetal strip" "double metal hand Saw Blade" and other five companies in Dalian technical standard of Quality Supervision Bureau for the record.
        2011 "bimetal strip" Getting physical quality metallurgical products Gold Award.
        2011 audit by ISO10012 measurement system.
        2011 passed the ISO9001 quality system certification audit.
        2012 "bimetal blade" brand-name products in Liaoning Province.
        2012 production of Indian customers with a full range of composite production lines, and to India for installation and commissioning.
        2012 production of Indian customers a full range of band saw blade production line, on November 12, 2012 boxed product shipped, the successful completion of the task.
        In 2012 for the special requirements of customers to rival Stanley blade printing quality, adding the baking process, can not afford to meet the printing requirements of the user with the tape after the sticky quality to achieve customer satisfaction.
        2012 hand-made high-speed steel saw blade after special treatment, heat treatment pass rate of 90%, an increase of 8-10%.
        2013 "bimetal strip" Getting physical quality metallurgical products Gold Award.
        2013 customers in India and the introduction of production cut disc production lines, steel drying box, band saw milling machines, grinding machines, vacuum annealing furnace, Pit Furnace band saws and other equipment.
        2013 "Three Da" trademark is well-known trademarks in Dalian City title.
        2014 M51 band saw blade material successfully developed and mass-oriented market.
        The end of 2014 sales products company held the first band saw blade product orders will, through this conference so that the company's domestic customers with a saw blade products have a better understanding.
        2014 officially established in Dalian, band saw workshop, the main production of large-sized band saw blade, after a run-in over the past year, adjustment, personnel, equipment, technology maturing, gradually increase production

        Copyright Dongbei Special Steel Group Dalian Special Steel Co., Ltd. 
        Address£º25 Harbin Road, Dalian Development Zone in Liaoning Province

        TEL£º0411-87616308 FAX£º0411-87620923